Privacy & Cookies policy

Please read this Privacy policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information and how we process it. This policy applies to individuals who interact with our services and

This policy explains how your personal information is collected, used and disclosed by My Site Induction Limited

of Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX (hereinafter “My Site Induction”,“we“, “us“, and “our“). It also tells you how you can access and update your personal information, which in turn allows you to make certain choices about the use of your personal information.

Any collection, use, storage, deletion or other use (hereinafter “processing”) of data is solely for the purpose of providing our services. Our services have been designed with the aim of using as little personal data as possible. In this context, “personal data” (hereinafter also referred to as “data”) is understood to mean all individual details about personal or factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person (so-called “data subject”). 

The following information on data protection describes which types of personal data are processed when you access our website, what happens to this personal data and how you can object to data processing if necessary.

General information on data processing on this web site

The Controller

The responsible party within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

My Site Induction Limited

Kemp House, 160 City Road, 

London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX 

Phone: 0161 718 4832


Protection of your data

We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 are observed both by us and by external service providers working for us.

If we work with other companies, to support our services, this is only done after an extensive selection process. In this selection process, each individual service provider is carefully selected for its suitability in connection with technical and organisational capabilities in data protection. This selection procedure is only concluded if it meets the legal requirements.

Our web site is SSL/TLS encrypted, which you can recognise by the “https://” at the beginning of the URL. If personal data is involved in e-mail communication, e-mails are sent from our side in encrypted form. We also use the integrated SSL certificate for this purpose.

Deletion and retention of personal data

We only process personal data for as long as it is necessary. As soon as the purpose of the data processing has been fulfilled, the data is blocked and deleted in accordance with the standards of the deletion concept here, unless legal regulations prevent deletion.

Data processing on this web site 

Creation Of Log Files

When you visit our web site, our web servers temporarily store each access in a log file. In the process, the following personal data is collected and stored until automated deletion:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the accessed file
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Message as to whether the retrieval was successful
  • Identification data of the browser and operating system used
  • Web site from which the file was accessed

In addition to this personal data, further personal data may be collected by us and our partners, more on this below. The processing of this data is based on our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is based on making our web site accessible to you.

Data processing is carried out for the purpose of enabling the use of the web site (connection establishment). It is used for system security, the technical administration of the network infrastructure and the optimisation of the Internet offer. The IP address is only evaluated in the event of attacks on our network infrastructure or the network infrastructure of our Internet provider.

The personal data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the above-mentioned purposes. This is the case when you close the web site. Our hosting provider may use the data for statistical surveys. However, the data is anonymised for this purpose. Our hosting provider deletes the data after 180 days.

Use of cookies

Our web site uses cookies. These are stored on your computer or terminal device when you use our web site. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive, assigned to the browser you are using, and which provide us or the body that sets the cookie with certain information. Cookies cannot execute programs or transmit viruses to your computer. They are used by us to enable you to log in and to analyse the use of our web site in anonymous or pseudonymous form and to present you with interesting offers on this web site. Various data can be transmitted in this way

  • Frequency of website visits
  • Which functions of the web site are used by you
  • Search terms used

Your cookie setting

When you access the web site, a cookie banner informs you about the use of cookies and refers you to our Cookie setting.

The legal basis for the processing of data by cookies that do not solely serve the functionality of our web site is your consent. The legal basis for data processing for cookies that solely serve the functionality of this web site is our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest results from the guarantee of a smooth connection and a comfortable use of our web site as well as for reasons of the evaluation of the system security and stability. The data processing also takes place in order to enable a statistical evaluation of the website use.

Duration of data storage

There are two types of cookies. Both are used on this web site:

Transient cookies

Transient cookies, they are automatically deleted when you close the browser. These include, in particular, session cookies. These store a so-called session ID, with which various requests from your browser can be assigned to the joint session. This enables your computer or terminal device to be recognised when you return to our web site. The session cookies are deleted when you log out or close the browser.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies, they are automatically deleted after a predetermined period of time, which may differ depending on the cookie.

Removing and blocking Cookies

You have the option at any time to revoke your consent to data processing by cookies that are not solely used for the functionality of the web site. In addition, we only set cookies after you have consented to the setting of cookies when you access the site. In this way, you can prevent data processing via cookies on our web site. You can also delete the cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time. Please note that you may not be able to use all the functions of this web site. You can also prevent cookies from being set at any time by making the appropriate settings in your internet browser.

Cookie List 

The Below table indicates the cookies we are using







This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plug-in. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category “Necessary”.

1 year



This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plug-in. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category “Performance”.

1 year



This cookies is set by GDPR Cookie Consent WordPress Plug-in. The cookie is used to remember the user consent for the cookies under the category “Analytics”.

1 year



The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category “Advertisement”.

1 year



This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plug-in. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category “Others”.

1 year



The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category “Functional”.

1 year

Using your browser settings or other tools

You can block the use of cookies generally (not just in respect of our Site) by activating the relevant settings in your browser. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about how to adjust or modify your browser settings at: Internet Explorer ,  Chrome,  Firefox,  Safari

For more information on cookie management and blocking or deleting cookies for a wide variety of browsers, visit All About Cookies.

Contacting Us

Through our web site it is possible to contact us via e-mail, telephone or a contact form. For this purpose, various data are required to answer the enquiry, which are automatically stored for processing. The following data is collected as a minimum within the framework of the contact form:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • E-mail
  • Company
  • Job Title
  • Telephone Number
  • Your message

The legal basis used here is to fulfil a pre-contractual or contractual arrangement. We process your data exclusively in order to process your contact request. Your data will be deleted by us as soon as the purpose of the data processing has been fulfilled, predominantly immediately after the request has been answered. In rare cases, however, we may retain your data for a longer period. This may result from legal, regulatory or contractual obligations.

Commercial and business services

We process data of our contractual and business partners, e.g. customers and interested parties (collectively referred to as “contractual partners”) in the context of contractual and comparable legal relationships as well as related measures and in the context of communication with contractual partners (or pre-contractual), e.g. to answer enquiries.

We process this data to fulfil our contractual obligations, to secure our rights and for the purposes of the administrative tasks associated with this information as well as for business organisation. We only disclose the data of the contractual partners to third parties within the scope of the applicable law to the extent that this is necessary for the aforementioned purposes or for the fulfilment of legal obligations or with the consent of the contractual partners (e.g. to participating telecommunications, transport and other auxiliary services as well as subcontractors, banks, tax and legal advisors, payment service providers or tax authorities). 

We inform the contractual partners which data is required for the aforementioned purposes before or in the course of data collection, e.g. in online forms, by means of special labelling (e.g. colours) or symbols (e.g. asterisks or similar), or in person.

Unless otherwise specified the purposes of processing are Contractual performance and service, contact requests and communication, office and organisational procedures, administration and response to requests, visit action evaluation, interest-based and behavioural marketing, profiling (creating profiles of users). And, the 

Legal bases are Contractual performance and pre-contractual enquiries, Legal obligation, and our Legitimate interests.

Technical services

We process the data of our customers and clients (hereinafter uniformly referred to as “customers”) in order to enable them to select, purchase or commission the selected services or works as well as associated activities and to pay for and deliver them or to execute or provide them.

The required information is identified as such in the context of the order, purchase order or comparable contract conclusion and includes the information required for the provision of services and billing as well as contact information.

Unless otherwise specified the purposes of processing are Contractual performance and service, contact requests and communication, office and organisational procedures, administration and response to requests, visit action evaluation, interest-based and behavioural marketing, profiling (creating profiles of users). And, the 

Legal bases are Contractual performance and pre-contractual enquiries, Legal obligation, and our Legitimate interests.

Commercial services

We process the data of our customers and clients (hereinafter uniformly referred to as “customers”) in order to enable them to select, purchase or commission the selected services or works and associated activities as well as their payment and delivery or execution or performance.

The required information is identified as such in the context of the order, purchase order or comparable contract conclusion and includes the information required for the provision of services and billing as well as contact information.

Unless otherwise specified the purposes of processing are Contractual performance and service, contact requests and communication, office and organisational procedures, administration and response to requests, visit action evaluation, interest-based and behavioural marketing, profiling (creating profiles of users). And, the 

Legal bases are Contractual performance and pre-contractual enquiries, Legal obligation, and our Legitimate interests.

Signing Up for our Services 

Free Trial and Subscription Plan

You can start a free trial and a subscription to use our services on our web site. This requires that you enter personal data in the Contact Form. The data required are the following:

    • First name
    • Surname
    • E-mail
    • Company
    • Job Title
    • Telephone Number
    • Your message

Sample Online Induction

You can also register for our Sample Online Induction. This requires that you enter personal data in the Registration Form. The data required are the following:

    • First name
    • Surname
    • E-mail
    • Company
    • Password

If you enter personal data for the above mentioned purposes (e.g. Free Trial and Subscription Plan or our Sample Online Induction), the data processing is based on a pre-contractual or contractual arrangement. We process your data solely for the purpose of processing your membership application and managing your account with us or to introduce you into our services. The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. This is the case when you close your account with us and no legal or official retention periods prevent deletion.

Social media on our web site

We have integrated social media platforms on our web site via links and so-called “social plug-ins”, which may result in the social media providers receiving data from you. We break these down for you in detail below.


We have integrated Facebook on this web site via a link. The data processing is carried out by: Facebook, Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.

If you click on the Facebook link, the Facebook web site is called up. By calling up the Facebook web site via our web site, the respective reference data is transmitted from us to Facebook. Facebook thereby receives the information that you have visited our web site.

By clicking on the link, your data may be processed by Facebook in the USA. According to the ECJ, the data protection standard in the USA is inadequate and there is a risk that your data will be processed by the US authorities for control and monitoring purposes, possibly without any legal remedy. If you do not click the link, the data described will not be transmitted to Facebook.

The data processing is based on our legitimate interest in drawing your attention to our presence in social media. Our interest in using the service results from the advertising function of social media. We use these to increase the level of awareness of our company.

According to its own information, Facebook stores your data for a period of 90 days. After the 90 days, the data is anonymised so that it can no longer be associated with you.


We have integrated Twitter via a link on our web site. The data processing is carried out by: Twitter, Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

If you click on the Twitter link, the Twitter web site is called up. By calling up the web site of Twitter via our web site, the respective reference data is transmitted to Twitter by us. Twitter thereby receives the information that you have visited our web site.

By clicking on the link, your data may be processed by Twitter in the USA. According to the ECJ, the data protection standard in the USA is insufficient and there is a risk that your data will be processed by the US authorities for control and monitoring purposes, possibly without any legal remedy. If you do not click the link, the data described will not be transmitted to Twitter.

The data processing is based on our legitimate interest in drawing your attention to our presence in social media. We use social media to make our company better known. In addition, we would like to offer you the opportunity to become aware of our presence in social media via our web site.

According to Twitter, data is deleted, obfuscated or aggregated after a maximum of 30 days. Twitter endeavours not to collect data from browsers that Twitter believes are located in the European Economic Area  or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states.


We have integrated the services of YouTube by means of links on our web site. The data processing is carried out by: YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

If you click on the YouTube link, the YouTube web site is called up. By calling up the YouTube web site via our web site, we transmit the respective reference data to YouTube. YouTube thereby receives the information that you have visited our web site. 

The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest results from the advertising function of social media. We use these to increase awareness of our company.

We use social media to make our company better known. In addition, we would like to offer you the opportunity to become aware of our presence in social media via our web site.

The data collected by YouTube (Google) is deleted after a fixed storage period. According to Google, this period is 9 or 18 months.


We have integrated the services of LinkedIn by means of links on our web site. The data processing is carried out by: LinkedIn, LLC, 1000 W Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, United States. 

If you click on the LinkedIn link, the LinkedIn web site is called up. By calling up the LinkedIn web site via our web site, we transmit the respective reference data to LinkedIn. LinkedIn thereby receives the information that you have visited our web site. 

The data processing is based on our legitimate interest in drawing your attention to our presence in social media. We use social media to make our company better known. In addition, we would like to offer you the opportunity to become aware of our presence in social media via our web site.

The data collected by LinkedIn is deleted after a fixed storage period. According to Google, this period is 9 or 18 months.

Data transfer to a third country

In order to be able to provide our services, we use the support of service providers from the European area as well as from third countries. In order to ensure the protection of your personal data even in the event of data transfer to a third country, we conclude processing agreements with each of the carefully selected service providers. All of the service providers we use have sufficient evidence that they ensure data security through appropriate technical and organisational measures. Our service providers from third countries are either located in countries that have an adequate level of data protection recognised by the EU Commission or the UK’s ICO or have provided suitable guarantees.

Your Rights

You have the following rights with regard to the personal data concerning you:

Right to withdraw consent 

If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you may revoke it at any time. Such a revocation affects the permissibility of processing your personal data for the future after you have expressed it to us. It can be made (remotely) verbally or in writing by post or e-mail to us.

Right to information

In the event of a request for information, you must provide sufficient details of your identity and proof that the information in question is yours. The information concerns the following information:

  • the purposes for which the personal data are processed;
  • the categories of personal data which are processed; and
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been or will be disclosed;
  • the planned duration of the storage of the personal data relating to you or, if specific information on this is not possible, criteria for determining the storage period;
  • the existence of a right to obtain the rectification or erasure of personal data concerning you, a right to obtain the restriction of processing by the controller or a right to object to such processing;
  • the existence of a right of appeal to a supervisory authority;
  • any available information on the origin of the data if the personal data is not collected from the data subject;
  • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, at least in these cases, meaningful information about the logic involved and the scope and intended effects of such processing for the data subject.

Right to rectification or erasure 

You have a right to rectification and/or completion vis-à-vis us as the controller if the personal data processed concerning you is inaccurate or incomplete. The controller must make the correction without delay.

In addition, you may request the erasure of the personal data concerning you if one of the following reasons applies to you:

  • The personal data concerning you are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
  • You withdraw your consent on which the processing was based and there is no other legal basis for the processing.
  • You object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing.
  • The personal data concerning you have been processed unlawfully.
  • The erasure of the personal data concerning you is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.
  • If we have made the personal data relating to you public and we are obliged to erase, we shall also take all reasonable steps to inform other data controllers that you have requested the erasure of all links to, or copies or replications of, that personal data.

The right to erasure does not exist to the extent that the processing is 

  • necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information;
  • for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing under Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject, or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
  • for reasons of public interest in the area of public health ;
  • for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes, insofar as the aforementioned right is likely to render impossible or seriously prejudice the achievement of the purposes of such processing; or
  • for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to restriction of processing

Under the following conditions, you may request that we restrict the processing of personal data relating to you:

  • if you dispute the accuracy, of the personal data concerning you for a period of time that enables us to verify the accuracy of your personal data;
  • the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of the personal data and request instead the restriction of the use of the personal data;
  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need them for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims; or
  • if you have objected to the processing and it is not yet clear whether our legitimate grounds override your grounds.
  • If the processing of personal data relating to you has been restricted, such data may – apart from being stored – only be processed with your consent or for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest.

If the restriction of processing has been restricted in accordance with the above conditions, you will be informed by us before the restriction is lifted.

Right to information

If you have asserted your right to rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing against us, we are obliged to inform all recipients of your personal data of the rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing. This only applies insofar as this notification does not prove impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort. 

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive your personal data from us in a common, machine-readable format in order to have it transferred to another controller, if necessary, provided that the processing is based on consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out with the help of automated procedures.

When exercising your right to data portability, you have the right to have the personal data transferred directly from us to another controller, insofar as this is technically feasible.

The right to data portability does not apply to processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.

Right to object to processing

Insofar as we base the processing of your personal data on a legitimate interest, you may object to the processing.  When exercising such an objection, we ask you to explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the merits of the case and either discontinue or adapt the data processing or show you our compelling legitimate grounds on the basis of which we will continue the processing.

Right to complain to the competent supervisory authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR or the UK’s DPA. The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged will inform you of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy.

How to exercise these rights

To exercise these rights, please contact us

My Site Induction Limited

Kemp House, 160 City Road, 

London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX 

Phone: 0161 718 4832



We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy in compliance with the statutory provisions.

Published July 2021