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Contact us today to learn how my site induction can support your business.

Fill out the form below and our experts will advise you on best solutions to manage your online inductions.

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    128 City Rd, London EC1V 2NX

    Opening hours

    Monday - Friday
    0830- 1700hr

    Frequently Asked Questions

    30-day free hosting trial for our pay monthly customers.


    We offer a 90-day money-back guarantee for annual subscription members.

    So if you decide that My Site Induction is not the right platform for you we will refund you your Hosting fees in FULL.

    We make our pricing Simple and flexible

    Total induction price = Build free + Hosting fee.

    Build fee: Depends on the size of your induction and if you require any animations.

    Email us today at for your free Quote.

    Hosting fee: Flat rate of £34/week with unlimited users billed every month.

    This depends on the size and level of animation you require in your induction.

    For example, a fully animated 30-minute induction with test questions will take 2 weeks.

    Repetitive manual inductions are not only a waste of staff time, but they tend to be inconsistent and very often are not very engaging and boring 🥱

    Posting your inductions online gives you the consistency of the information you are communicating across your business, and automates a repetative task freeing up staff time to focus on other tasks.


    You do not need any software or app, our platform is cloud-based based so you can access your induction from any phone, tablet or PC.


    We understand the challenges of introducing a new system to a company so we pride ourselves on making our platform so simple that no training is required!

    If your inductee can use Facebook on their phone then they will have no problem completing your induction.